

     First off, If you right now want to take care of your entire marketing, your strategy, your content, your distribution, and your social, your own site conversion, testimonials and referrals, you’ll need to hire people to execute it, but moreover, you know that you would need a marketer to make sure everything is going well and optimized. Making sure that all the people doing different things... like writing content, like distributing on social media, like the person doing live chat on your website or your own team asking for testimonials, somebody needs to oversee that. Somebody needs to connect all the content. Somebody needs to know that a new case study was generated, so let’s use it. And that is the marketer. And that would cost you $1000's and $1000's of dollars a month, not including the App. We do all of the communication wtih a client, and all of the content creation, and even bringing in traffic. And it starts with the fact that it's a very very good marketer. It strategizes, executes, and optimizes like a marketing team for you nonstop. So... know that this part alone is worth thousands of dollars that you're saving.


Now let’s go to what it actually does. It all starts with content. Why does it start with content, because content is the way that people are going to be attracted to your website, or are the way people are going to be converted on your website. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say... we are working with a kitchen remodeler, and... I am interested in kitchen remodeling. More then that, I am interested in “classic” kitchen remodeling. If I come to the website, and the website says... Hey we do bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodeling, here are a few images of what we did... not really hitting my target. I’m interested in the guy that is doing actual classic kitchen remodeling, and I want to see... that it has great reviews of what they did, and I want to see exactly what they did. Right. And that would convert me. Unlike, a generic content piece, that would not convert me. Or would convert at a much lower rate. Right.


Right... so the first thing we are arming you and your team with, is an App. It’s basically an App where... no matter what project you are doing, you can take a few shots, you can, but you don’t have to read in... to record a voice onto the project. Going back to the kitchen example. You can take a few shots of the kitchen. It actually has image recognition. It understands everything that it sees. So it knows that you did a classic kitchen remodeling. It knows that it’s wooden cabinets. It knows that it’s marble stone counter. It knows all these things just from an image. Like a human being. Better then a human being. Because a human being you would have to train. You don’t have to train Rock Star Shoppe. It already knows. Knows all these things. And you can voice record as well. If you want to add additional information. Example... “ I did a five day job, a complete renovation of the kitchen, did the counter, cabinets from scratch, changed the flooring, and.. ” end record. Rock Star Shoppe understands all that, then gets back to you with a few questions because it’s a marketer, very smart marketer, that is not only a smart marketer, but it’s a smart marketer about your niche specifically. It knows everything it needs to know about remodeling. So... it comes back to you and it says... “ I want to make sure I am understanding you correctly and ... I want to make sure that the content I am writing is very specific. So it comes back to you with a few multiple choice answers. And says... please mark what’s relevant. And... you say... hey yes the service is kitchen remodels and what was done is this and this.


In just a few seconds it composes a full case study. Now, a full case study that is talking about a specific case, of something that specifically happened, showing relevant images, has the right long tail keywords, is 100x more powerful then generic content that is generated. It’s taking this content and then autonomously, without you having to do anything, or hire a person to do social posts for you, or update the site. It automatically updates your site and social posts. Right... So... it has a widget, that automatically posts the case study blog on your website, at the same time it posts to your gmb. Which gives you your “google my business, ” which gives you a ton of traffic from google. A lot of juice because it’s basically a small google site. With the full case study, with the images, directly onto the GMB, posts on your social networks, whatever they are... FB for example. It adds backlinks to all these sections, back to the site from promoting the keywords it created, and decided on, that are better then an SEO marketer. On the very very low end we’re talking $500.00 a month. And usually it’s $1500.00 and above. Right... and your getting that done for you. Better then a human being. Now... It’s not just that content.


It also has a project map, that it creates on your website. What does that mean? And that project map hears specifically your sales team, kitchen remodeling, but ... it doesn’t matter which project it is, it can be any type of product. So let’s say I am a marketer, and I want to case study my project. I can just record a few screen shots of a website I developed of results of an SEO campaign. Read into the App... “We started SEO on Aug 1st, 50 days we’ve already ranked 5 of the 10 keywords on the first page of google... and you stop recording, and it will create the project as well. But... for business’s that are actually providing services, it’s also creates a point on the map, that gives you even More juice which Google ranks hyper local case studies that are connected to a specific service area, so now... it’s pulling hard into helping you get ranked on the 3 pack where it come’s to hyperlocal and nearby searches. Again... autonomously. You do not need to do anything.


Ok... So... This is creating a lot of content, creating amazing social proof for you, creating content that is converting, generating obviously SEO traffic. All...also traffic via social network posts and the GMB posting. Traffic coming into the website and now on the website, Rock Star Shoppe is actually going to take over the conversation better then a live agent. Better then someone working 6 months for you already. It’s learned your entire business, it knows better, because it’s not only learned your business on your website, in one minute, but it’s also now connected to all the case studies and testimonials that are generated nonstop. So it knows everything about the business.


So lets go through... imagine you are seeing a screenshot from a real business. The chat is open. First it starts with a geo relevant icebreaker starting the conversation. For example... This example is from a San Diego business... “I was hitting it from New York and it said... ” “In New York they say...if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Well in San Diego we say... If you dream it, we can build it. ” “Are you considering any home remodeling projects at the moment?” It then creates it’s own multiple choice question answers. You don’t create it. We don’t script it, or write it. It’s open text. The user can always write whatever they want. It answers as well. It understands everything you would say to it in writing and Voice as well. Then... it autonomously creates options for the user by understanding the conversation. Right. So the person answers... “Yea, I am interested. ” And Rock Star Shoppe is answering... “ Yea, that is great to hear, at Creative Design build we specialize in a wide range of home modeling services. Could you please tell us more about the type of remodeling project your are considering? This company does a lot of remodeling, so it is asking, and again, the client does not need to create these categories, Rock Star Shoppe is coming up with these categories, because it already knows the business... again better then any agent...So... kitchen remodel, bathroom remodel, full house remodel, roofing.... what are you interested in? Whatever you are interested in as a user. Once it knows that, it goes to your Google reviews and finds the most relevant review that fits kitchen remodeling. Right. And... is the most recent. It showcases it immediately to show.... hey, here is the review of someone that wanted kitchen remodeling. And it also showcases here on the bottom the most relevant project for that conversation.


Now.... after the user is going through the project, clicking on the nice images... It’s still generic. So... Rock Star Shoppe is going to go an extra step. Drilling down into exactly what the prospect wants, to provide more answers and even more relevant example. So it says... “ That’s fantastic! Kitchen remodels are one of our specialties. We’ve helped many homeowners transform their kitchen to beautiful and functional spaces. Can you tell us more about your envisioning for your kitchen remodel? Are you looking for a modern design, a traditional one, or something else? And it gives a few options. Right. So... its not only asking them... hey ok great, your interested in kitchen remodeling, let’s book an appointment. No. It’s baking the user.. and after (the user clicked on classic remodel) now it’s going into the case studies it created or clients already created in the past, and takes a case study. The client is looking for traditional design, so Rock Star Shoppe shares a relevant case study with them of a traditional design. Right. Exactly what the clients want. “That’s wonderful! A traditional kitchen design can bring a warm classic feel to your home. We’ve worked on numerous... ” As they go through the conversation, as Rock Star Shoppe feels the client is baked enough, it’s pushing to book an appointment, then it’s going through the full cycle of booking an appointment. Asking for their details. When in the day are they interested in booking an appointment? Choosing a date and booking it on your calendar.


Boom! You have an appointment and this is happening 24/7 nonstop including weekends. For peanuts. Instead of paying someone to work... imagine paying someone who is as smart as this... for access to all this content, just training them for a month would kill you. You don’t want to start with them just for that. And this... Rock Star Shoppe it learns everything by itself, and it doesn’t need you. It doesn’t waste your time. It multiplies, it’s a force multiplier for you.


Now... After you generate a client from the appointment Rock Star Shoppe books for you, it’s not over, because Rock Star Shoppe wants to make sure that we’re getting a testimonial from that client, and we’re also getting a Google review, and .... we’re going to get that client to refer more business’s to us. So the first thing it does is... it can do it, or your workers or agents on the field can do it, whatever you have can do it. Extend the link, for the customer to share, our testimonial. A Google review here by Rock Star Shoppe, here, and add a photo. So... let’s say it is me. I am at the kitchen just remodeled. I am getting this link... I can just rate 5 stars, compose AI, and next, without or take a few pictures, and then click next. It’ll take me 10 seconds because what usually takes time is... composing a message. And here... Rock Star Shoppe will compose this for you.


Now after it provides a Google review, Rock Star Shoppe is not over. It’s prompting the client, and asking them... “hey, it would really help us if you do a video testimonial for us, and if you do it and share it with your friends, we’re going to compensate you. We’re going to give you “100 bucks” if one of them becomes a client. And you can decide as a business if you want to give them “$100, $500, or not give them anything, but it’s best to entice them somehow. Rock Star Shoppe allows the client to actually record the testimonial, click, add the rating to it, then click to submit a review/share option. What happens is... it actually creates a full landing page that includes...the video, testimonial, whole description of the project because we already know the project. And.... it offers the client the ability to share it on all social networks. Now imagine, now that a client shares it on their facebook page. And it’s not like....hey... I worked with John and he’s a great kitchen remodeler and you should work with him as well, it’s like... hey I worked with John, check out what we did!


Boom! Full page, full case study, my Google testimonial, my Google review, case study drill down, images of the case study. Now....a one liner versus that. This is like 100x more converting then the one liner. So... to recap... what’s happening is.... Rock Star Shoppe is creating the content, creating the traffic, converting the traffic into appointments. You need to do the sales. You need to provide a good service. Once you do... create testimonials, video testimonials, landing pages, ask the client to share, create referral clients to you which you know are the best and you don’t pay anything for it because it’s earned media. And now you have a full marketing team working for you, inside one system that you paid a fraction, a little fraction for, then what you would pay for a full marketing agency. And... now you’ll be able to have a voice conversation with Rock Star Shoppe, as a prospect. So... imagine going on a website, you don’t want to start typing, your on your mobile phone and Rock Star Shoppe is starting to talk to you. So you’re clicking the mic button, and you can actually talk with Rock Star Shoppe, so instead of typing, you’re saying.... “yes I’m interested in kitchen remodeling... and Rock Star Shoppe says... “ Awesome, check out this case study” . And it becomes a voice conversation for many people, that like to do voice. Conversations we do have, that, increase your conversions and the amount of people that are relevant for an interaction even more, and your sales become more.